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Izmeer Town Residential House

Residential House

Izmir City is a fully developed and operational housing scheme that provides its inhabitants with a complete and programmed housing society. The location is divided into blocks and each block has its own funds to provide pleasant housing and services.

Izmir City is situated on Main Canal Road or Mohlanwal Road near Chung, very close to NESPAK Phase 2 and Jubilee Town is situated in the southern part. Block A and Block B are situated on the opposite side of Canal Road, while Block A and Block B are situated next to Tricon Village.

Development Status:

Izmir city has a comprehensive and developed infrastructure which makes the location an ideal choice on the main highway of Chung Lahore canal..

Facilities Offered:

  • Main Boulevard
  • At least 40 feet wide Linking Roads
  • Division of society in Blocks to allocate resources
  • Inclusive plan for each Block including devoted resources for each Block
  • Water Tanks
  • Parks for each Block and a Central Park for entire Society
  • Drainage and Sewerage System
  • Secure Environment
  • Educational Institutes
  • Commercial Area include Grocery Stores, Food Courts and others

Project Info
